Welcome, Prospective Colleagues!

Greenspring Montessori School is an independent, non-profit school serving children ages 18 months through 14 years using the Montessori method. Founded in 1962, Greenspring Montessori School has served the Greater Baltimore area for more than sixty years. To our employees, we offer health and retirement benefits, paid sick and vacation time, and a caring, cooperative work environment. We are a hard-working group and welcome your intelligence, creativity, passion, and vision as we grow the school.

Job Openings for the 2024-25 School Year

Floating Classroom Assistant (Full time, 10 month)

Lead Guides

Let us hear from you! We are always happy to receive cover letters and resumes from trained Montessori guides looking for lead positions at the Toddler, Children’s House (Primary), Elementary, and Adolescent (Middle School) levels. We are especially interested in Spanish-speaking guides. Even if we do not currently have an opening for you, please send us your resume so that we can keep you in mind for positions as they become available. If you are a trained Montessori guide, please upload your resume and cover letter via our online application.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Greenspring Montessori School welcomes all students and families, and does not discriminate in its hiring, admissions practices, or any other form of access on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, sex or disability.