March 2023 Capital Project Update

March 27, 2023

Our new Elementary Village is complete!

We celebrated the completion of the Susquehanna Village with a ribbon cutting on January 20, 2023. This Elementary Village is home to two Lower Elementary classrooms, an Upper Elementary classroom, a full kitchen, and outdoor environments. It will become a community hub for over 90 students and staff members.

Students, families, and staff rallied together to move all three Elementary classrooms into their new spaces in one day! Thank you to everyone who lent a hand to make this a reality.

The students are completely settled and thriving in their new spaces. The Guides have loved giving lessons in their new spacious classrooms filled with natural light. The students enjoy all of the amenities that are designed just for their size. They are all looking forward to truly making these spaces “home” in the remaining months of the school year.

Looking forward, we are excited to begin work on our Outdoor Environments. With our new plan, these spaces will be just as beautifully prepared as our indoor classrooms. Stay tuned for future updates on our Capital Project page.

Kimberly Zerfas

Kimberly Zerfas is the Director of Marketing & Communications at Greenspring Montessori School. A graduate of the Publications Design M.A. program at the University of Baltimore, Kim loves combining words and images to tell our unique story. She loves creative problem-solving, designing and writing materials that convey in-depth information in new and interesting ways. Learn more about Kim.

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